Back in September I traveled about 1200 miles south from my home in central Oregon to Riverside, California to attend my 50th class reunion and to take care of some family business affairs. My wife and I had just purchased a new car that had all the current bells and whistles - including navigation and XM radio. I was really looking forward to a relaxing and entertaining trip as I was traveling alone on this journey.
But just before I left, I happened to visit our most excellent public library. I was working my way through the books on CD area when I happened to notice a full set of Bart Ehrman's lectures on "The Historical Jesus." I'd read Ehrman's "Jesus Interrupted" and "Misquoting Jesus," so I was already a fan of his style and approach to the material.
I was able to check out the whole set of 12 disks and also the set of CD's of his "Misquoting Jesus" read by another voice actor. I figured that I would listen to these for a while, get bored, and then turn on my XM radio.
I did not get bored. I listened to Ehrman's lectures totally engaged and overwhelmed with the logic of his presentation and the historic resources he quoted. This was true "Bible study," nothing like those minimalist, "take it on faith because we say this is the truth" types of Bible studies I was used to while a JW.
While these university level lectures may not be for everybody, I was so engaged that I found the miles going much faster than usual. I waited to stop the car to get gas or a cup of coffee until a CD was finished because I didn't want to lose track of the train of Ehrman's thought and logic as he progressed through his presentation.
It ended too soon. Even though I had read "Misquoting Jesus," I found listening to the audio version of the book even more enlightening. In the first couple of chapters, Ehrman traces his history from a young man who had no doubts at all that every word in the Bible was inerrant and inspired by God himself. After finishing his basic education at a local protestant Bible college, he went to the Moody Bible College and then to Princeton. He gave the Bible every opportunity to convince him of its holy origins - and it failed. Ehrman's story is an amazing tale of change due to education and exposure to the facts - no matter where they are sourced. I finished the last CD during my final leg home.
I would encourage everyone to try to find the 12 CD set of Ehrman's lectures. They come in two cases (six each), so maybe you can check out one set and then if you liked them as much as I did, check out the second set at a later date. The same with "Misquoting Jesus." If you want an education in New Testament history and origins, this is definitely the way to go.
 | The historical Jesus Ehrman, Bart D. Chantilly, VA : The Teaching Company, c2000. 12 sound discs : digital ; + 2 course guidebooks (22 cm.) Great courses 12 lectures delivered by Professor Bart D. Ehrman on the "man behind the myth," Jesus of Nazereth. Includes an analysis of his life and times from a historical perspective |